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Version: 9.6

Service Configuration


During device discovery, Resolve Insights collects information about the services running on each device. To help you more easily identify and work with those services—both in Insights and your CMDB, Insights allows you to create service configuration records.

The service configuration record has options to give the service a human-readable name, assign it a role, and determine if the service needs to be synchronized with a CMDB.

Insights comes with a large set of predefined service configuration records for industry-standard services. Services outside this list are categorized as "Other". You can create your own service configuration records to accommodate them.

Variable Service Names

For a subset of the predefined services, such as Oracle and other database processes, Insights varies the service name to show additional information such as the Oracle instance for example. In those cases, the service name that you see in the device details and that is pushed to CMDB will not match the service name from the service configuration record. Consider using Adding a CMDB Record to prevent any misdetection of the service in your CMDB.

Adding a Service Configuration Record

For services that Insights was unable to find a predefined service configuration match, you can create your own service configurations:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Service Configuration.
    The Service Configuration page is displayed.

  2. Click Add Record.
    The Add New Configuration dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter the required search string in the Search String field.

    • By default, the search is looking for an exact, case-insensitive match inside the service string.
    • Click Use RegExp query to search inside the service string using a regular expression.

    The search string cannot exceed 900 symbols.

  4. Click Get Matched Process.
    A filtered list of services and devices matching your search string is displayed.

  5. Create service configuration records for one or more of the search results:

    1. A Matching String line is displayed under the search results. The first Matching String is always the search string, meaning it could match multiple services. For this entry, configure the following parameters:

      1. In Service Name, enter the name that you want the service to appear as in Insights and, if you select so, in your CMDB.
        Optionally, select an existing service configuration record from the drop-down list to redefine it.


        Although you can technically redefine a service configuration record predefined by Resolve, it is not recommended.

      2. In Role, select a predefined role for the service or enter a new name to create and assign your own custom role.
        A single role can be assigned to multiple service configuration records.

      3. Enable Push to CMDB if you want this service to be synchronized to your CMDB together with the services' device.
        The synchronization will happen at the next discovery run.

    2. To create a service configuration record for another search result, take these steps (repeat for each next record that you want to create):

      1. Click +Add another string.
        A new Matching String line appears.
      2. From the search results table, copy the string for which you want to create the record and paste it into the Matching String field.
      3. Configure the entry's Service Name, Role, and Push to CMDB parameters as explained above.
  6. Click Submit.

The configuration is added to the list of service configurations.

Records Matching Multiple Services

If you create a service configuration record with a Matching String that matches multiple services—such as when using a partial string or a regular expression—Insights will still only associate a single service with it. It relies on the search string's length to try and pick up the best match.

Take these search result for example, provided a warning search keyword:

/opt/microsoft/scx/bin/omiagent 10 12 --destdir / --providerdir /opt/microsoft/scx/lib --idletimeout 90 --loglevel WARNING

zenity --warning --text <big><b>The system is running in low-graphics mode</b></big>

If another service configuration record already exists with a longer Matching String, such as the full command-line or even /opt/microsoft/scx/bin/omiagent, that also matches the same service, Insights will use that record for the omiagent service as it provides a longer match. This leaves your new service configuration record to match the zenity service instead.

To avoid mismatches, it is recommended to use very specific matching strings for your service configuration records.

Adding a CMDB Record

This information only applies to predefined services. Custom services cannot have variable service names.

For services with variable service names, you might want to push the exact service name to your CMDB to prevent misdetection of the service in your CMDB.

Take these steps to create a service name record in your CMDB:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Service Configuration.
    The Service Configuration page is displayed.
  2. Click Add CMDB Record.
  3. In App Role, enter the role name related to the service.
  4. In Service, enter the exact service name as it appears in your device details.
  5. Enable Push to CMDB if you want to push the record to your CMDB immediately after creation.
    You can always check the box later.
  6. Click Submit.

The CMDB record appears in the table. You can delete or edit it (for example to stop pushing it to CMDB).

As long as Push to CMDB is checked, any changes to the record are automatically pushed to your CMDB.

Unchecking the box does not automatically delete the record from CMDB.

Editing a Service Configuration Record

You can edit the details of the service configuration record that you have created. Predefined service records cannot be edited.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Service Configuration.
    The Service Configuration page is displayed.
  2. Click the edit icon under Actions in the row of the record that you want to edit.
    The Edit Configuration dialog box for the selected record is displayed.
  3. Make the desired changes to the fields.
  4. Click Submit.

Deleting a Service Configuration Record

You can delete service configuration records that you have created. Predefined service records cannot be deleted.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Service Configuration.
    The Service Configuration page is displayed.
  2. Take one of the following actions:
    • To delete a single record, click the delete icon under Actions in the row of the record that you want to delete.
    • To delete multiple records, check the boxes in the rows of all the records that you want to delete and then click Delete Record.
  3. In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click OK.